Our next tournament event is GO! We'll be running Messer Mayhem with two Messer events. An Open division for all competitors, and a division for Under Represented Genders (URG), including women, transgender, agender, and genderqueer individuals. Rules are below. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Event Date: April 26th

Sign-Up Cutoff: April 24th 

Competitor/Staff Arrival Time (Gear Check, Warm-Up, etc.): 10am Arrival, 11am Gear Check

Competition Start Time: 11:30am

Entry Fee:  $45 or $15 for volunteers.

WARNING: Competitors that show up at the event after 11:15 am will be removed from the tournament. We've got to get moving ASAP to fit the whole event into one afternoon. If you're late, you may be asked to help staff. You may also be asked later to fill in if a fighter needs to drop out for any reason.


- Members of Arena Weapons Arts in good standing

- Members of other weapons-based martial arts schools/gyms in good standing with their respective school/gym

After Party: TBD

First Event Rules:  Open Messer Division

Messer Mayhem Ruleset

Second Event Rules:  Under Represented Genders (URG) Messer Division

Messer Mayhem (URG) Ruleset

Follow-Up: If you have any questions, contact the coaches or email coaches@arenaweaponarts.com

Event Registration Form

Event Registration Form